Triple/Double Vaxxinated Account for 4 in Every 5 C0V-19 Cases, Hospitalisations & Deaths Since November According to Official Figures
The latest official Public Health data suggests that the Omicron Covid-19 variant is no worse than the common cold among the unvaccinated population but seems to be affecting the triple vaccinated population much more severely with the latest figures confirming that the vaccinated population have accounted for 8 in every 10 cases, 7 in every 10 hospitalisations, and 8 in every 10 Covid-19 deaths since the 20th November 2021 despite the booster jab campaign.
Public Health Scotland (PHS) publish a weekly Covid-19 statistical report containing figures on Covid-19 cases, hospitalisations and deaths by vaccination status.
On the 22nd December PHS published the first Covid-19 statistical report to contain figures on the triple/booster vaccinated population, and have since published a further two reports meaning we have been able to analyse 7 weeks worth of Covid-19 data on the effectiveness of the booster jab, and this is what we found…
Covid-19 Cases
Table 11 of the latest report published 13th Jan 22 contains data on Covid-19 cases by vaccination status over a period of four weeks from 11 Dec 21 to 07 Jan 22. The table may have been attributed a different number in previous reports.
The following chart has been collated from the data found within the three most recent reports and covers a period of 7 weeks from 20 Nov 21 – 07 Jan 22, and it shows that the majority of Covid-19 cases have been among the vaccinated population by a country mile.
Omicron allegedly hit UK shored at the end of November 2021, and as we can see at this point the vaccinated population accounted for roughly double the amount of cases, with 11,399 cases among the vaccinated and 6,633 cases among the unvaccinated between 20th Nov and 26th Nov.
However fast forward 1 month and we can see things begin to change drastically with the vaccinated population accounting for roughly 5 times as many cases, with 49,955 cases among the vaccinated and just 9,070 cases among the unvaccinated between 18th Dec and 24th Dec.
The following week however gets much worse, with the vaccinated population accounting for roughly 6.5 times as many cases. There were 92,844 cases among the vaccinated population but just 14,465 cases among the unvaccinated population.
What’s also interesting to note here, as illustrated perfectly in the graph below, is the extreme rise in cases among both the two dose vaccinated and three dose vaccinated population whilst cases among the unvaccinated population fell throughout December before rising slightly towards the end of the month.
As you can see from the above cases among the unvaccinated and vaccinated population fell in the week of Jan 1st to Jan 7th 22. However, they only fell in the vaccinated population because of a fall in cases among the 1 dose vaccinated and two dose vaccinated population, whilst they actually rose among the three dose vaccinated population.
If you ever needed any evidence that the booster jab makes you much more susceptible to catching Covid-19 within the first couple of weeks of getting the jab then here it is.
Overall, from 20th Nov 21 to 7th Jan 22 there were a total of 350,072 confirmed Covid-19 cases in Scotland. The unvaccinated population accounted for just 64,638 of these cases, whilst the vaccinated population accounted for a shocking 285,434.
Covid-19 Hospitalisations
Table 12 of the latest report published 13th Jan 22 contains data on Covid-19 hospitalisations by vaccination status over a period of four weeks from 11 Dec 21 to 07 Jan 22. The table may have been attributed a different number in previous reports.
The following chart has been collated from the data found within the three most recent reports and covers a period of 7 weeks from 20 Nov 21 – 07 Jan 22, and it shows that the majority of Covid-19 hospitalisations have also been among the vaccinated population.
Hospitalisations among the vaccinated and unvaccinated populations overall never really changed much until the week commencing 25th December, at which point hospitalisations nearly doubled among the vaccinated compared to the previous week whilst increasing by just 25% among the unvaccinated.
But what’s interesting to note here is that whilst the number of Covid-19 hospitalisations didn’t increase week on week by much until 25th December, hospitalisations among the triple vaccinated did.
Since the 25th December the vast majority of Covid-19 hospitalisations have in fact been among the triple vaccinated, and as you can see from the above hospitalisations among the triple vaccinated population have increased week on week since the 4th December 2021, and alongside the one-dose vaccinated population they are the only population to have increased in the week beginning January 1st 2022.
Overall, from 20th Nov 21 to 7th Jan 22 there were a total of 3,341 confirmed Covid-19 hospitalisations in Scotland. The unvaccinated population accounted for just 856 of these hospitalisations, whilst the vaccinated population accounted for 2,485.
Covid-19 Deaths
Table 13of the latest report published 13th Jan 22 contains data on Covid-19 deaths by vaccination status over a period of four weeks from 4th Dec 21 to 31st Dec 21. The table may have been attributed a different number in previous reports.
The following chart has been collated from the data found within the three most recent reports and covers a period of 7 weeks from 13 Nov 21 – 31 Dec 21, and it shows that the majority of Covid-19 deaths have also been among the vaccinated population.
But what this chart also demonstrates is that the severity of Omicron at least in terms of death is far milder than the severity of its alleged predecessor, Delta.
Deaths have fallen week on week among both the vaccinated and unvaccinated population since the alleged introduction of the Omicron variant, but unfortunately we can see that they have begun to rise week on week among the triple vaccinated population.
But whilst deaths may have fallen it is important to note that the number of deaths among the vaccinated population still far exceeds the number of deaths occurring among the unvaccinated population.
Overall, from 13th Nov 21 to 31st Dec there were a total of 518 confirmed Covid-19 deaths in Scotland. The unvaccinated population accounted for just 94 of these deaths, whilst the vaccinated population accounted for 424.
It’s time to end all restrictions on the Unvaccinated Population
According to the last three published PHS Covid-19 Statistical Reports, the most recent of which was published January 12th 2022, over a period of 7 weeks the vaccinated population have accounted for 82% of Covid-19 cases, 74% of Covid-19 hospitalisations, and 82% of Covid-19 deaths.
With that many cases being recorded among the vaccinated population, the majority of which are among the triple and double vaccinated, how can Nicola Sturgeon, or any Government for that matter justify the enforcement of a Vaccine Passport system which discriminates against the unvaccinated?
How can any country, such as Australia, justify only permitting entry if you have had the Covid-19 injection?
How can Boris Johnson only permit the unvaccinated to enter a venue if they have taken a Covid-19 test, but let the vaccinated in without restriction?
These policies do not make sense.
The data could not be clearer, the Covid-19 vaccines are incapable of preventing infection or transmission, and it looks as if those who’ve had the booster are currently on a trajectory to more misery after already accounting for the majority of hospitalisations in 2022, and will most likely soon account for the majority of deaths.
If Governments worldwide are so power hungry that they need to enforce restrictions then they should be enforcing them on the vaccinated population, and leave the unvaccinated to carry on with their lives as they see fit.
Because this data proves that Omicron is proving to be no worse than the common cold among the the unvaccinated population, but it is proving to be so severe among the the vaccinated that they are putting pressure on hospitals.
If nothing changes in retrospect of this data then surely even the most avid supporters of restrictions would have to concede that this has absolutely nothing to do with protecting public health and instead everything to do with control.
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